Donations to EDSA
Gifts and Donations to EDSA
Thank you for giving as generously as you can. Please give your name as a reference if you donate electronically. All your funds go to EDSA by donating in this way. Consider signing the Gift Aid declaration form below to increase your donation by 25% (tax payers only)
The details of the EDSA electronic account are:
Account: Education for Democracy in South Africa
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
25 Kings Hill Avenue
Kings Hill, West Malling
Kent ME19 4JQ
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00007666
(Our bank is the Charities Aid Foundation registered as CAF and is itself a charity no.268369)
You can print out this form (use the print icon top right) and post it to us with a cheque, or donate online.
You can also Donate safely online to EDSA at the Just Giving site. JG takes a very small fee from every donation.
If you pay income tax, why not consider increasing your donation through Gift Aid? This can increase the value of your donation by 25%. Cheques should be made payable to EDSA and sent to:
EDSA Trustees
c/o 14 Riverside Road
I enclose a donation of £ .......................................................
I want you to treat all donations that I make to EDSA from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations, until I notify you otherwise. (delete if not appropriate)
Signed ................................................................................
Name ..................................................................................
Address ..............................................................................
Post Code ...........................................................................
Date ....................................................................................
Notes on Gift Aid
You must pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that EDSA reclaims on your donations in the tax year (currently 25p for each £1 you give).
If your circumstances change and you no longer pay income and/or capital gains tax equal to the tax that EDSA reclaims, you can cancel your declaration. Also, please notify us if you change your name or address.
If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your tax return. For Gift Aid donations you can claim a deduction on your tax credit claim form.
If you are unsure about any of this, please contact EDSA Trustees at the above address who will be happy to help.
Thank you for your support.